Friday, May 16, 2008

Seven Months Old

Wee Miss Cindy Lou turned seven months old this week. In the last month, she has changed enormously. She got her first tooth, then her second a few days ago. She started eating solid food (though her mouth and her gut are still getting used to it). She started rolling to get around, necessitating the (re-)installation of the gate at the top of the attic stairs. But with all these changes, she continues to be a delightful baby. She's happy most of the time, sometimes even squirmingly ecstatic (especially at the sight of her brothers, whom she adores). And yes, she still sleeps through the night, every night. At the beginning of the week there were a few nights where she woke up a bit early (like, five instead of six), and I thought maybe the time had come to move her out of our room and in with the Wizard. But then her tooth popped through and it was back to the status quo ante. Yay!

The Wizard's also had quite a month. I have often heard it said that almost all kids have an on-off switch when it comes to reading. In the "off" position, they just don't really get it. Then something changes, and everything just comes together. The Wizard's switch flipped over about two weeks ago, and he's sounding out (or at least attempting to sound out) everything in sight: newspaper headlines, road signs, billboards, even the sides of trucks stopped next to us at the light. And of course books. He's always loved to sit and read with us, but now he's often doing more of the actual reading than we are. Just now he read The Eye Book to me, and he only needed help with a few of the words. Wow. We had thought, based on how late he was to start talking, that he would be quite a bit behind Newton in starting to read. Well, not really that far, compared to other kids, but maybe 6-8 months. As it turns out, he's maybe two weeks later. Hard to believe this is the same kid that, on his second birthday, could make all the sounds of the alphabet and produce about 30 different animal noises, but say fewer than 10 words. Remember this?


The Laundry Queen said...

Happy seven month, Cindy Lou! We'll see you soon!

Krista said...

Cindy Lou is sooo cute! My little one turns 5 months in 3 days, it goes by too fast!!

Of course your kids are geniuses and reading early, They are YOUR kids!

Swizzies said...

Cindy Lou is totally starting to look like you. Look how much she and Newton (? I'm speaking of A) look alike in that one picture.


Tams said...

She is a doll! So I can't help but see something similar to Cindy Lou's darling little face when I picture my future daughter (maybe it's in the cards?) I think the fact that she sleeps so well is God's way of saying, "Thank you for having a baby at 40!" Cute pics and see you guys soon.

Tanner Family Blog said...

My Lucy is right behind her....but not in the sleep department! It's a fun stage!

PhatNat said...

Oh my stars!!!! You're daughter is BEAUTIFUL!!! And I am not saying that because I want to get on your good side (hopefully I'm already there )
Good thing she has two older brothers!


Anonymous said...

Krista and Nat, don't you think she looks like my dad? Especially in those first two pictures? I see him (and his mother) in her a lot.

Johnna said...


Mary Ellen said...

Gorgeous kiddies, all! Hoping to meet Cindy Lou this summer. :)