Ready to head to the garage potluck around the corner:
The rear view, so you can see her antennae and stinger:
The Wizard only just fit into his costume, a hand-me-down from his brother. He's been having a growth spurt lately. The other night when I was washing him in the tub, it seemed to me that his hands were noticeably bigger. The next morning we measured him, and he's grown 1 1/4" in just three months! At this rate he'll grow out of his 3T clothes before he has a chance to wear them all. The sleeves on his long-sleeved shirts are already barely hitting his wrist bones, and I had to loosen the waistbands on all his pants. He wanted to be sure his tail was captured in the picture:
For the actual trick-or-treating, Newton ditched us to go with a mob of boys from the neighborhood. Mavis and Cindy Lou went home after a few houses, and the Wizard and I headed off on our own. We took a different route than Newton and his cohort. Even when we had been out quite a while, the Wizard kept saying, "Mom, I'm still having fun!" When we finally made it home, Newton had been home for a good half-hour, and I think the Wizard had more candy! After all that tromping around the neighborhood, I think everyone slept great.
Here is Newton with his spoils, and slightly sweaty head from (literally) running around with so many layers.
Where's Draco's wand? Cute pictures. Looks like fun was had by all. I didn't make it to the spudnuts yet this year, maybe next weekend.
Draco's wand was misplaced at the time of trick-or-treating, so he used a stick stand-in. Fortunately he left it in his robe's handy wand pocket while out and about--I don't like the idea of running with sharp sticks in hand! He found his real wand after returning, in the bathroom where he'd left it when he got home from school (he did use his real wand for his school party).
Bud is in size 4 everything already. Every day he seems bigger to me.
Emily bought that same bee costume on Craig's List two years ago for Sophie. I remember because I was living in Idaho and she bought it on Idaho Craig's List when she was up visiting me. I was excited because I knew she would send it to me when she was done with it. Last year she was in the middle of a move and it didn't get to me until Thanksgiving. But it still fit Roo this year and it will fit Rabbit next year. It's such a great costume. Please, someone, tell me WHY the costumes they sell for babies and toddlers are so well-made while the costumes they sell for older kids are trash....
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