Cindy Lou is now half a year old. We've been kind of busy with Mavis's dad here, plus--get this--our DRYER broke, but I'll try to get more pics and videos of the kids up soon. Newton's not at his most photogenic at the moment, having managed to scratch his cornea the other day while trying to get something out of his eye. The Wizard gave himself a good bonk on the nose yesterday falling off the toilet, but any visible swelling and discoloration had mostly gone by today.
We finally got around to downloading the pictures the Wizard has taken on our old digital camera (it's a trickier procedure than with the newer camera, so I let Mavis do it because I'm too lazy to try to remember all the steps). It's fun to see how his skills have progressed--there is now a much higher percentage of shots of people than there was at the beginning.
Here's one that's more or less of people, but I really liked the composition (it's kind of looking through Cindy Lou's hair, with my shoulder and hair, and my side of the closet behind):
Here's one he took during that natural-light photo shoot a month ago (in a few of the shots you can see him fiddling with the camera):
And finally, I leave you with this, taken (by one of us) during one of his camera tutorials:
Wow! I think the Wizard may be finding his creative niche (and I'm talking about the photography, not the 'hunting for treasures,' as an English friend of mine use to call it.) Fabulous photos!
Well, there were still plenty of shots of his pants, the bedsheets, the window, etc.
I usually refer to it as nose-mining. :)
Cindy Lou is adorable! Giggled at the nose-mining shot. :)
I just held a friend's six month old daughter all through RS at church, to give her a baby-holding break (something I told myself to always do after my kids were bigger, I always loved someone taking my kid for awhile) and I kept looking at her and thinking of Cindy Lou - it would be fun to hold Cindy Lou for an hour or so, she is adorable!!!
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