Mavis's mom just got back from a month in Kazakhstan, with a side trip to Kyrgyzstan, and here's what she sent us:
Felt slippers and shoes, and the most adorable doll. The colors on these things are fantastic--deep teal, red orange--just the kind of colors I might pick if I were making them myself. Maybe when Cindy Lou stops chewing on everything she gets her hands on, I'll consider letting her play with the doll. Maybe.
I had to laugh because I was just thinking this morning (as I helped Bud put on his souvenir t-shirt that Rophone got him in NY) how lame the souvenirs we got were. I hated the newspapers, peanuts from the plane and hotel shampoos and soaps. Yet I still got my hopes up every time. Of course, there was the one time he got us fake Benetton sweats in Korea.
Those are beautiful and cool - what were the g'parents doing in such an exotic locale for such a long time? Was it churchy? educational/work?, tourist? I'm curious....
Mavis's mom was there for work. Yes, it's quite a job. :)
The worst thing about those Benetton sweats, sis, is that I think Mom is still wearing them!
I think the sweatshirt was one of the things that we finally made her get rid of when we went through her closets. Wasn't it? Now I'm going to have to check nest time I visit so I won't have nightmares.
Didn't we see her wearing it once after the purge? Like, maybe she pulled it from the DI pile? I can't remember for sure.
It was either that, or a horrid Christmas sweater. I can't remember. We got those sweats more than 20 years ago....what are they made of?!!!
Your MIL rocks! What cool gifts.
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