Tuesday, November 13, 2007

One Month Old

And still a brunette! If her hair's going to fall out, we expect it to do so within the next two weeks. But gosh, her eyebrows are dark, too (as you can see). And I frankly have a hard time picturing a blonde with this skin tone. Her eyes are getting bluer by the day, at least. She's pretty cute, though--think we'll keep her.

Oh, and I forgot to mention--on the eve of her one-month birthday, she started smiling! Haven't been able to capture it with the camera yet. She also feels different to hold--she's gone from being a tightly curled bug, all self-contained, to actually relaxing into my body, snuggling up. And of course she's bigger.


Mary Ellen said...

She's gorgeous. Hope she keeps the brunette...

So how's she impacting family life so far? Is No. Two adjusting to her all right? The rest of you?

Mary Ellen

Skye said...

Wow. Such a beautiful baby. You know, she looks sort of like Julie to me. Maybe she'll stay brunette.

Heather Richardson said...

JA - stop it, you are actually giving me a twinge of being baby hungry - something I swore would never happen....now that my youngest is almost five and in school full time next year!
but she looks so serene and peaceful, what a beauty.

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

Wow! She's absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see her in real life! I'm going to echo ME: How's No. 2 doing?

Anonymous said...

Number Two is surviving okay. The first several days after all the family left and Mavis went back to work were pretty hard--he didn't mind and pushed buttons. Some of that's subsided now, but he still hasn't gotten back to where he was in regards to the potty. Unfortunately. He's nice to the baby, though. We just have to remind him sometimes that she's fragile. So, like he shouldn't jump on the bed while she's lying on it, etc.

Hev, you do *not* want to go back to newborn land, trust me. Sleep deprivation is not good at any age, and even less so at ours. And she's a good sleeper as they go! What with nursing every couple of hours, and still having to pick up Number One from school, feed everyone, etc., I am getting barely anything done. And Thanksgiving is next week!

Swizzies said...

Slap my face and take away my feminist card, but she's a real beauty. Seriously.