Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I Guess the Cat is Out of the Bag

I must confess: I've been harboring a secret lo these months. In early February, I found myself quite unexpectedly expecting. As no one else expected it either (Number Two is not yet two years old, and was conceived through in vitro fertilization), I was able to keep my secret for quite some time. We started telling people here in town (who would start to wonder about my oddly localized weight gain) about six weeks ago, and I finally surprised my Utah siblings with the news last weekend. So yes, I am going to have a third child, probably some time in mid-October. Shocking!

Then today was my regularly scheduled 20-week ultrasound, and we found out to our delight that Number Three will be a GIRL! So here she is; bid her welcome!


Kirsten O A said...

I am so excited to be an aunt to a little girl. I was secretly hoping it was a girl all along.
Thanks for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Not that it should matter at all, but there are so many fabulous girl clothes out there -- always seemed to be there were more than boy clothes.